Generating Robust Counterfactual Witnesses for Graph Neural Networks
A summary of the ICDE 2024
research paper by Dazhuo Qiu,
Mengying Wang, Arijit Khan, and Yinghui Wu
[Graph Neural Networks, Node Classification, and Explainability]: Graph neural networks (GNNs) are deep learning models
designed to tackle graph-related tasks in an end-to-end manner [1]. Notable
variants of GNNs include graph convolution networks (GCNs) [2], attention
networks (GATs) [3], graph isomorphism networks (GINs) [4], APPNP [10], and
GraphSAGE [5]). Message-passing based GNNs share a similar feature learning
paradigm: for each node, update node features by aggregating neighbor
counterparts. The features can then be converted into labels or probabilistic
scores for specific tasks. GNNs have demonstrated their efficacy on various
tasks, including node and graph classification [2], [4], [6], [7], [8], and
link prediction [9].
a graph G and a set of test nodes VT, a GNN-based node classifier
aims to assign a correct label to each node v ∈ VT.
GNN-based classification has been applied for applications such as social
networks and biochemistry [11], [12], [13].
are “black-box” — it is inherently difficult to understand which aspects of the
input data drive the decisions of the network. Explainability can improve the
model’s transparency related to fairness, privacy, and other safety challenges,
thus enhancing the trust in decision-critical applications. Graph data are
complex, noisy, and content-rich. End users and domain scientists (e.g., data
scientists, business analysts, chemists) often find them difficult to query and
explore. Hence, it is even more critical to provide human-understandable explanations
over classification results on such datasets [14], [15] [16].
and Problem Statement [Robust Explanations]: For
many GNNs-based tasks such as node classification, data analysts or domain
scientists often want to understand the results of GNNs by inspecting
intuitive, explanatory structures, in the form where domain knowledge can be
directly applied [17]. Such explanation should indicate “invariant”
representative structures for similar graphs that fall into the same group,
i.e., be “robust” to small changes of the graphs and be both “factual” (that
preserves the result of classification) and “counterfactual” (which flips the
result if removed from G) [18]. Given a graph neural network M, a robust
counterfactual witness (k-RCW) refers to the fraction of a graph G that are
counterfactual and factual explanation of the results of M over G, but also
remains so for any “disturbed” G by flipping up to k of its node pairs.
need for such robust, and both factual and counterfactual explanation is
evident for real-world applications such as drug design or cyber security.
Example 1: [Interpreting “Mutagenics” with Molecular Structures]. In drug discovery, GNNs have been applied to detect
mutagenicity structures, which has an adverse ability that causes mutations [31],
[32]. Consider G1 depicted in Fig. 1, which is a graph
representation of a real-world molecular database [33], [34]. The nodes of G1
refer to the atoms of the molecules, and the edges of G1 represent
the valence bonds between a pair of atoms. Given a set of “test nodes” VT
in G, a GNN-based classifier M is trained for the task to correctly assign, for
each of the nodes in VT, a label: “mutagenic”, if it belongs to a
chemical compound that is a mutagenicity structure; and “nonmutagenic”,
natural interpretation to a chemist would be to identify a subgraph G1
that contains most of the “mutagenic” nodes as a toxicophore structure, that
is, a critical fraction of chemical compounds responsible for mutagenicity [35].
Consider the example in Figure 1. On the left is a mutagenic molecule due to
the bold nitro group. Meanwhile, the remaining structure after removing the
nitro group is considered as non-mutagenic. However, considering a similar
molecule that only misses two bonds (dotted edges), which is in the middle, the
red bold structure is an aldehyde with a high risk of triggering mutagenicity.
To ensure that the discovered mutagenic-related chemical compounds are
meaningful to a family of molecules, it is required to find a robust
explanation structure, such as the bold indicated structure on the right
GNN explanation methods may return different structures as the test nodes vary
or carry “noisy” structures such as carbon rings or hydrogen atoms that are not
necessarily corresponding to toxicophores (as verified in our experimental
results). This may make it difficult for a chemist to discern the potential
toxic structure hidden inside normal structures. (e.g., red bold aldehyde in
the middle molecule of Figure 1.) Moreover, instead of analyzing explanations
for each molecule, identifying a common “invariant” explanation that remains
the same over a family of similar molecules with few bond differences could
improve the efficiency of identifying mutagenic-related chemical compounds. A
more effective approach is expected to directly compute explanation structures
which are, or contain such toxicophores as robust structures, closer to what a
chemist is familiar with.
Example 2: [Understanding “Vulnerable Zone” in Cyber Networks]. Graph G2 in Fig. 1 is a fraction of a provenance graph [36]. It consists of nodes that represent files (oval) or processes (rectangle), while the edges depict access actions. The graph contains a substructure that captures a multi-stage attack. The attack is initiated by an email with a malicious attachment that is disguised as an invoice, and targets at a script “” to perform a data breach. Attack tactics are encoded as paths or subgraphs (with red-colored, solid or dashed edges) in G2. A valid attack path must access a privileged file (‘/.ssh/id rsa’ or ‘/etc/sudoers’) and the command prompt (‘cmd. exe’) beforehand. A GNN-based node classifier is trained to identify potential attack targets (to be labeled as “vulnerable”, colored orange in G2) [37].
emerging challenge is to effectively detect a two-stage tactic, which first
uses, e.g., “DDoS” as a deceptive attack (via red dashed edges) on various fake
targets to exhaust defense resources, to hide the intention of data breaching
from an invariant set of high-value files as true target (via red solid edges).
In such cases, a GNN-classifier can be “fooled” to identify a test node as
“vulnerable” simply due to majority of its neighbors wrongly labeled as
“vulnerable” under deceptive stage. On the other hand, a robust explanation for
those correct labeling of test nodes should stay the same for a set of training
attack paths. In such cases, the tactic may switch the first-stage targets from
time to time to maximize the effect of deceptive attacks. As our explanation
structures (RCWs) remain invariant despite various deceptive targets, they may
reveal the true intention regardless of how the first stage deceptive targets
change. As such, the explanation also suggests a set of true “vulnerable” files
that should be protected, thereby helping mitigate the impact of deceptive
attacks. In particular,
There are two primary witnesses to explain the test node’s label: (‘cmd.exe’,
‘/.ssh/id rsa’, ‘’) and (‘cmd.exe’, ‘/etc/sudoers’, ‘’), each
includes a factual path that leads to the breach and serves as evidence to
explain the test node’s label as “vulnerable”.
Furthermore, a CW is shown as the combined subgraph of these two witnesses,
denoted as Gw2 (shaded area of G2 in Fig. 1). Removing
all edges in Gw2 from G will reverse the classification of the test
node to “not vulnerable”, as the remaining part is insufficient for a breach
Gw2 is also a k-RCW for the test node’s label, where k=3, which is
the maximum length of a deceptive attack path. It indicates that for any attack
path involving up to k deceptive steps, Gw2 remains unchanged. It,
therefore, identifies the true important files which must be protected to
mitigate the impact of deceptive attacks.
computing such an explanation can be expensive due to the large size of
provenance graphs. For example, a single web page loading may already result in
22,000 system calls and yields a provenance graph with thousands of nodes and
edges [38], [36]. Especially for sophisticated multi-stage attacks above, it
may leave complex and rapidly changing patterns in the provenance graph.
Detecting and mitigating such attacks require the ability to process large
amounts of data quickly for real-time or near-real-time threat analysis
Work [GNN Explanations]: Several approaches
have been proposed to generate explanations for GNNs, [19], [20], [21], [22], [24],
[23], [25], [28], [26], [27]. For example, GNNExplainer [24] learns to optimize
soft masks for edges and node features to maximize the mutual information
between the original and new predictions and induce important substructures
from the learned masks. SubgraphX [25] employs Shapley values to measure a
subgraph’s importance and considers the interactions among different graph
structures. XGNN [28] explores high-level explanations by generating graph
patterns to maximize a specific prediction. GCFExplainer [26] studies the
global explainability of GNNs through counterfactual reasoning. Specifically,
it finds a small set of counterfactual graphs that explain GNNs. CF2 [29]
considers a learning-based approach to infer substructures that are both factual
and counterfactual yet does not consider robustness guarantee upon graph
disturbance. CF-GNNExp [23] generates counterfactual explanations for GNNs via
minimal edge deletions. Closer to our work is the generation of robust counterfactual
explanations for GNNs [30]. The explanation structure is required to be
counterfactual and stable (robust) yet may not be a factual explanation. These
methods do not explicitly support all three of our objectives together: robustness,
counterfactual, and factual explanations; neither scalable explanation
generation for large graphs are discussed.
(1) We formalize the
notion of robust counterfactual witness (RCW) for GNN-based node
classification. An RCW is a subgraph in G that preserves the result of a
GNN-based classifier if tested with RCW alone, remains counterfactual (i.e.,
the GNN gives different output for the remaining fraction of the graph if RCW
is excluded), and robust (such that it can preserve the result even if up to k
edges in G are changed).
(2) We analyze properties
of k-RCWs regarding the quantification of k-disturbances, where k refers to a
budget of the total number of node pairs that are allowed to be disturbed. We
formulate the problems for verifying (to decide if a subgraph is a k-RCW) and
generating RCWs (for a given graph, GNN, and k-disturbance) as explanations for
GNN-based node classification. We establish their computational hardness
results, from tractable cases to co-NP hardness.
(3) We present feasible
algorithms to verify and compute RCWs, matching their hardness results. Our
verification algorithm adopts an “expand-verify” strategy to iteratively expand
a k-RCW structure with node pairs that are most likely to change the label of a
next test node, such that the explanation remains stable by including such node
pairs to prevent the impact of the disturbances.
(4) For large graphs, we
introduce a parallel algorithm to generate k-RCWs at scale. The algorithm
distributes the expansion and verification process to partitioned graphs, and
by synchronizing verified k-disturbances, dynamically refines the search area
of the rest of the subgraphs for early termination.
(5) Using real-world
datasets, we experimentally verify our algorithms. We show that it is feasible
to generate RCWs for large graphs. Our algorithms can produce familiar
structures for domain experts, as well as for large-scale classification tasks.
We show that they are robust for noisy graphs. We also demonstrate application
scenarios of our explanations.
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