Online Updates of Knowledge Graph Embedding

A summary of the COMPLEX NETWORKS 2021 research paper by Luo Fei, Tianxing Wu, and Arijit Khan

[Background: Knowledge Graphs and Embedding] Knowledge graph is a data model for complex networks to manage large-scale and real-world facts [1, 2]. Examples include DBpedia [3], YAGO [4], Freebase [5], NELL [6], personalized health knowledge graphs [7], etc., where a node represents an entity, and an edge denotes a relationship between two entities. Knowledge graph embedding [8, 9] is increasingly becoming popular, which aims to represent each relation and entity in a knowledge graph G as a d-dimensional vector, such that the original structure and relations in G are approximately preserved in this semantic space. KG embeddings are used in downstream applications, e.g., link prediction [10, 11, 12], entity classification [13], question answering [1, 14], KG completion [15], and recommender systems [16].

[Our Problem: Dynamic Updates in Knowledge Graph Embedding] In the real world, KGs are dynamic and evolve over time [17, 18]. DBpedia extracts the update stream of Wikipedia each day to keep the KG up-to-date [19]. IMDB provides daily dumps of movies, TV series, actors, directors, among others, as well as their relationships [20]. Amazon product KG is updated quite frequently because there is a large number of new products everyday [2]. Recently, IBM’s COVID-19 knowledge graph can ingest 100 000 PDF pages per day [21]. However, existing models [9, 11, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27] embed static KGs. To support dynamic updates in a KG, these models must be retrained on the whole KG from scratch, which is inefficient, and is also impracticable when the KG has higher update frequency (e.g., once per day). To this end, we study the novel problem of efficiently updating a KG embedding in an online manner.

[Challenges] Consider the KG in Figure 1, the updates are denoted by dashed nodes and edges. Assume that we have embedded this KG using TransE [23], which should hold the translation relation: h + r t (vectors are represented as bold characters) for each triple (h, r, t), where h is a head entity, r is a relation, and t is a tail entity. After adding a new triple (e6, r5, e3), where e6, e3 are existing entities and r5 is an existing relation in the earlier version of the KG, we now need to satisfy e6 + r5 e5. No matter for which element in (e6, r5, e3) we decide to update its vector, it will break the translation relations h + rt for other triples containing our selected  element, thereby creating a cascade of updates on the embedding of the entire KG. In summary, when a KG has local updates with addition and deletion of triples, if we revise the vectors of some entities and relations due to such updates, these revisions may cascade in the entire KG via connections among entities and relations, which is expensive.

[Our Solution] we design a novel, context-aware method for Online Updates of Knowledge Graph Embedding (OUKE). We assign two different vectors to each entity and relation. When an entity (or a relation) denotes itself, we use a vector, called the knowledge embedding. When it denotes a part of the context of other entities (or relations), we use another vector, referred to as the contextual element embedding. In the neighborhood of an entity (or a relation), contextual element embeddings are aggregated to form the contextual subgraph embedding via a Relational Graph Convolution Network (R-GCN) [28]. We construct the joint embedding of each entity (h or t) and relation ( r ) by combining the knowledge embedding (i.e., hk, tk, or rk) and the contextual subgraph embedding (i.e., sg(h), sg(t), or sg(r)) via a gate strategy. Finally, we employ the joint embedding of each entity or relation to hold the translation relation: h+rt.

We next propose an online learning algorithm to incrementally update the KG embedding.

(1) Following the inductive learning, we keep all learnt parameters in R-GCNs and the gate strategy unaffected.

(2) Contextual element embeddings of existing entities and relations also remain the same.

(3) After a KG update, for many entities and relations, their contexts remain unchanged, so their contextual subgraph embeddings would remain uninterrupted. Thus, with existing knowledge embeddings of such entities and relations, corresponding triples would satisfy: h+rt. Hence, we also keep the knowledge embeddings of existing entities and relations unchanged so long as their contexts are unchanged.

(4) What shall we do with an existing entity or relation having changed context? Notice that its contextual subgraph embedding, a combination of context element embeddings of its neighboring entities or relations, computed by the R-GCN, will change to reflect this update. We next re-learn the knowledge embeddings of existing entities and relations with changed contexts, and in that process we adjust both their knowledge embeddings and joint embeddings, with the aim that the joint embeddings, after such update, still approximately satisfy the translations in the modified graph. In practice, we find that the modifications happened in the joint embeddings are generally small due to local updates in a KG, which explains why our method is effective in approximately preserving the translations in the modified KG.

(5) In addition, we also learn knowledge embeddings and contextual element embeddings of emerging entities and relations. 

In this way, our algorithm greatly reduces the number of triples which need to be retrained while preserving h+rt on the whole KG. This enables online learning with higher efficiency.

[Example]  In Figure 1, after adding triples (e7, r7, e6) and (e6, r5, e3) into KG G, we have an emerging entity e7, an emerging relation r7, four existing relations with changed contexts r1, r4, r5, r6, and two existing entities with changed contexts e3 and e6. Based on our online learning, we retrain only nine triples having e3, e6, e7, r1, r4, r5, r6, and r7; i.e., (e3, r1, e4),(e3, r4, e2), (e1, r5, e3), (e1, r6, e6), (e6, r5, e3), (e1, r1, e5), (e7, r7, e6), (e11, r5, e2), and (e11, r6, e5) and not all eighteen triples in the updated version of G. This demonstrates the efficiency improvement due to our method even with such a small KG. In particular, we learn knowledge embeddings, contextual element embeddings, and joint embeddings of the emerging entity e7 and the emerging relation r7. For existing relations with changed contexts (r1, r4, r5, r6) and existing entities with changed contexts (e3 and e6), their contextual element embeddings remain the same, but the contextual subgraph embeddings are updated via R-GCN, due to changed contexts. We also learn their updated knowledge embeddings and joint embeddings.


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